7th State Director of South Carolina

It is with a broken heart that the State of South Carolina announce the passing of Soror Claire Porter, the 7th State of South Carolina Director, Crystal Dove and the Matriarch of Beta Beta Zeta chapter of Columbia, South Carolina. Triumphant Soror Porter is the mother of Soror Vivian Bush, an active member of Beta Beta Zeta chapter.
Triumphant Soror Porter served the state of South Carolina as our 7th State Director from 1992-1996. Under her administration, the focus was "The Three-R's - Recruit, Reclaim, Retain." During her two-term administration, Triumphant Soror Porter increased Archonette participation at the state leadership conferences and sponsored oratorical contests for which the state paid all expenses. Two chapters were chartered under Triumphant Soror Porter's leadership; The Omicron Upsilon Zeta chapter of Chesterfield, South Carolina and Pi Theta Zeta chapter. Her leadership also reactivated Eta Nu chapter at Clemson University.
Triumphant Soror Porter was a life member of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc and has served on the National News Media Project and as Coordinator for Equal Employment Opportunities. She has served the Southeastern Region as Antapokritis and Tamias. In addition to serving the State of South Carolina as the 7th State Director, Triumphant Soror Porter has served as the Tamias-Grammateus and Tamias. Lastly, she was the matriarch of Beta Beta Zeta chapter of Columbia, South Carolina and has served as the 3rd Anti-Basileus, First Anti-Basileus, and Basileus of the chapter. Triumphant Soror Porter is the sister of another former State Director, Henrietta Floyd Massey. Her daughter, Vivian Bush, is currently an active member of Beta Beta Zeta chapter where she followed in her mother's footsteps serving as the Basileus of the chapter.
Professionally, Triumphant Soror Porter was a native of Laurens, South Carolina and attended the public schools there. She received a Bachelor of Arts Degree in English and Library Science from Allen University in Columbia, South Carolina. She attended the English Institute at Birmingham Southern College in Birmingham, Alabama and received a Master of Education from South Carolina State University in Orangeburg, South Carolina. Triumphant Porter has a six-year certificate in Administration from the University of South Carolina in Columbia, South Carolina. She served as a language arts instructor in Richland School District One, as an Administrative Assistant, and Assistant Principal for Curriculum and Instruction at C.A. Johnson High School.
The state of South Carolina and the Board of Directors sends our heartfelt condolences to the family of Triumphant Soror Claire F. Porter of the Beta Beta Zeta chapter. Thank you for your dedication and service to the State of South Carolina, your mentorship to every Zeta and auxiliary you have met, for your legacies to carry on your blue light for t and your commitment to service, scholarship, sisterhood, and finer womanhood.